Banbridge junction realignment and signalisation scheme completed

Date published: 21 July 2022

Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd today confirmed that works to implement a junction realignment and signalisation scheme at Scarva Street / Downshire Place / Commercial Road junction, Banbridge are now complete.

The Minister said:

“This is a key junction in Banbridge serving as a key route into the town centre whilst also forming part of the by-pass for HGVs to avoid the low bridge in the centre of town. The realigning of Downshire Place allowed the junction to be signalised to help improve safety facilities for pedestrians through the introduction of controlled crossings, as well as improving traffic safety and progression at this busy urban location.  This investment represents my Department’s continued commitment to improving the road network.

“I would like to thank the users of the junction, and in particular the local businesses and residents, for their patience and cooperation during the upgrade works”

Works are substantially complete and the operation of the new signals will be monitored over the coming weeks to maximise their efficiency.

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