Community pharmacies once again playing their part in vaccine roll out

Date published: 07 October 2022

More than 300 community pharmacies are being mobilised across Northern Ireland to assist with the delivery of winter vaccinations for Covid 19 and flu.

Chief Pharmaceutical Officer Cathy Harrison pictured receiving her winter vaccines at Woodbourne Pharmacy in Belfast.
Chief Pharmaceutical Officer Cathy Harrison pictured receiving her winter vaccines at Woodbourne Pharmacy in Belfast

Since the roll out of the vaccination programme pharmacies have been in the process of visiting over 450 care homes where they have been delivering the vaccination to residents and staff.

 In addition they will also be holding clinics to provide a convenient and accessible way for those eligible to obtain the protection offered by these vaccines.

NI Chief Pharmaceutical Officer Cathy Harrison visited Woodbourne Pharmacy in Belfast recently where she received her vaccination and urged all those eligible to come forward and receive theirs.

She said:- “Pharmacies are once again playing a major part in the roll out of vaccines alongside their colleagues in GP surgeries and Trusts. 

“This year over 300 community pharmacies across Northern Ireland are offering flu and COVID-19 vaccination to everyone aged 50 and over as well as frontline health and social care staff, pregnant women and carers, offering these groups a convenient and accessible way to avail of the protection offered by vaccination.

“I urge everyone eligible to take up the offer of vaccination. Getting vaccinated is free, quick, and it could make a big difference to your health and the health of those close to you.”

Chief Pharmaceutical Officer Cathy Harrison pictured receiving her winter vaccines at Woodbourne Pharmacy in Belfast.
Chief Pharmaceutical Officer Cathy Harrison pictured receiving her winter vaccines at Woodbourne Pharmacy in Belfast

The message is clear – if you’re eligible for either the flu vaccine, COVID-19 vaccine or both, take up the offer when invited.

For further information please see the NI Direct website.


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