O’Dowd meets pupils at St John the Baptist PS

Date published: 27 October 2022

Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd today met with pupils from the School Council at St John the Baptist Primary School in Portadown.

Pictured with Minister O’Dowd is Teacher Louise McNamee and pupils from the St John the Baptist Primary School Council

The Minister was given an update on the work of the School Council and its positive impact on the wider school community.

The Minister said:

“I was delighted to be invited to the school today to meet with members of the School Council and to hear about their work advocating for their fellow pupils and the school.

“ High on their agenda is road safety which I was very happy to discuss that with them today.  I believe that it is vitally important that the voices of pupils are heard.”

“I would like to extend my thanks to the school for my invite today to meet the pupils and I wish them every success for the future.”

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