Second phase of Ulster Canal project officially opened

Date published: 19 June 2024

Junior Minister Pam Cameron and Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd attended the official opening of Phase 2 of the Ulster Canal project in Monaghan today.

John McDonagh; CEO Waterways Ireland; Junior Minister Pam Cameron; DfI Minister John O’Dowd;  Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys; Taoiseach Simon Harris and Minister for Housing, Local Government & Heritage, Darragh O’Brien
John McDonagh; CEO Waterways Ireland; Junior Minister Pam Cameron; DfI Minister John O’Dowd; Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys; Taoiseach Simon Harris and Minister for Housing, Local Government & Heritage, Darragh O’Brien

Waterways Ireland carried out the redevelopment project which includes a includes a new Marina in Clones, 1 km of restored canal and a 1.5km walk on the route of the 180yr old Ulster Canal.

Taoiseach Simon Harris alongside other Irish Government ministers and representatives from Waterways Ireland also took part in the official opening ceremony in Clones today,

Speaking at the official opening, Junior Minister Pam Cameron said:

“The restoration of the Ulster Canal is an iconic project and is an example of how we can work together across both jurisdictions in a very practical way to deliver initiatives which will ultimately be of benefit to us all. 

“As neighbours, and governments, we all want to deliver better outcomes for people which is why projects such as the restoration of the Ulster Canal are important.” 

Minister for Infrastructure John O’Dowd MLA said:

“I am delighted to be here to mark the completion of works on Phase 2 of the Ulster Canal restoration.  This project brings communities together, north and south, providing opportunities for people young and old to explore our outdoor environment and experience something new. 

“I want to commend Waterways Ireland, the engineers, contractors and all those involved in bringing this complex project to life.” 

Notes to editors: 

1. Waterways Ireland is currently progressing the restoration of the 13.5 kilometres of the Ulster Canal in 3 phases.

2. Phase 1 was completed in October 2019 and the navigation channel from Upper Lough Erne to Castle Saunderson is now open for navigation. This work comprised of the opening of c.2.5 kilometres of new navigation costing €3.2m and was met from the proceeds of the sale of a property and from Waterways Ireland’s Capital Reserves.

3. Phase 2, provides navigation from Clones to Clonfad and comprises:

  • New 40 berth marina (water recreation park) at Clones
  • Sustainable water source
  • 2 new access bridges
  • Circa 1km of new canal with towpaths and walking trails
  • Amenity area with parking.

4. Phase 3 of the restoration will connect the 10km between Castle Saunderson and Clonfad and link the town of Clones by navigable waterway to the Erne System and onward to the wider waterway network of the Shannon-Erne Waterway, the Shannon Navigation, the Royal and Grand Canals towards Dublin and further south along the Barrow Line and Barrow Navigation.

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