Publication type
- Agendas and minutes (671results)
- Business plans (166results)
- Circulars (897results)
- Classified adverts (93results)
- Consultation reports (555results)
- Contract management (52results)
- Corporate reports (938results)
- Correspondence (657results)
- Decisions (385results)
- Development plan/framework (732results)
- Equality Screenings (58results)
- Financial plans and reports (409results)
- FOI/EIR responses (4029results)
- Forms (801results)
- Guidance literature (5084results)
- Impact assessments (723results)
- Independent reports (354results)
- Legislation and regulations (1346results)
- Lists and registers (200results)
- Maps (108results)
- Notices (739results)
- Policy papers (948results)
- Promotional material (128results)
- Research and analysis (1033results)
- Speeches and statements (218results)
- Statistical reports (3361results)
Publication topics
- About us (1results)
- Account NI (3results)
- Active travel (59results)
- Active Travel and Public Transport research (8results)
- Additional educational support for parents and pupils (41results)
- Angling and Commercial Fishing (Inland Fisheries) (76results)
- Animal Health, Welfare and Trade (518results)
- Annual Business Inquiry (3results)
- Appealing a decision (8results)
- Arts and culture (71results)
- Benefits and pensions (473results)
- Biodiversity (694results)
- Bright Start - the Executive's programme for affordable and integrated childcare (1results)
- Building a Prosperous and United Community (1results)
- Building Regulations and energy efficiency of buildings (86results)
- Business statistics (11results)
- Careers in DfI (1results)
- Children and Young People Issues (106results)
- Civil law reform (7results)
- Co-operation (23results)
- Commercial Delivery Group (7results)
- Consumer affairs (9results)
- Countryside Management and Managing your Business (104results)
- Courts and Tribunals (132results)
- COVID-19 (1results)
- COVID-19 latest updates (19results)
- Credit Unions and Societies (4results)
- Crops and Horticulture (57results)
- Crumlin Road Gaol and St Lucia Site (2results)
- Curriculum and learning (329results)
- Dentistry (26results)
- Development of transfer policy (37results)
- DfC corporate (15results)
- DfI Transport and Road Asset Management procurement (13results)
- Digital (3results)
- Digital, Security and Finance Shared Services (DSF) (3results)
- DoH Statistics and Research (1129results)
- Driver & Vehicle Agency research (7results)
- Economic Accounts Project (1results)
- Economic Growth Bulletin (1results)
- Economic output statistics (50results)
- Economic policy (135results)
- Economic Strategy (6results)
- Education and Research (64results)
- Education Transformation Programme (2results)
- Employer Pension Notices (1results)
- Employment and skills programmes (including apprenticeships) (134results)
- Employment rights (40results)
- Ending Violence Against Women and Girls (7results)
- Energy (193results)
- Energy research (9results)
- Environmental Advice for Planning (81results)
- EU Exit (152results)
- EU Exit/Brexit (2results)
- EU Exit Research and Information (2results)
- European Fund Management (106results)
- Executive documents (3results)
- Executive publications (2results)
- Farm Support and Development (4results)
- Finance (349results)
- Finance, Procurement and Support Services (69results)
- Finding employment (25results)
- Finding staff (4results)
- Fisheries (183results)
- Fish health (22results)
- Food (33results)
- Forensic science (48results)
- Forestry (135results)
- Further education (137results)
- Further education sector activity tables and fact sheets (1results)
- General information about exporting (5results)
- Good management, good records (15results)
- Good Relations and Social Change (236results)
- Good Relations and Social Change (135results)
- Governance in health and social care (24results)
- Grants and Funding (475results)
- Health policy (202results)
- Health workforce policy and management (92results)
- Higher education (159results)
- Historic environment (104results)
- Housing (167results)
- Implementation Programme for the Recommendations from the Inquiry into Hyponatraemia Related Deaths (IHRD) (34results)
- Improving wellbeing for all (1results)
- Independent Neurology Inquiry (INI) (2results)
- Index of Production (7results)
- Index of Services (10results)
- Innovation and Consultancy Services (ICS) (5results)
- Insolvency service (159results)
- Justice and the law (277results)
- Labour market statistics (271results)
- Land and Landscapes (758results)
- Land registration (27results)
- Languages (38results)
- Law and legislation (38results)
- Legal aid (409results)
- Livestock Farming (101results)
- Living With Water Programme (9results)
- Local Authority Official Certification (4results)
- Local government (213results)
- Making Government Work (237results)
- Making Life Better - A Whole System Strategic Framework for Public Health 2013 - 2023 (1results)
- Marine (383results)
- Mental health and learning disabilities (96results)
- Minerals and Petroleum (62results)
- Museums and libraries (37results)
- NICTS (13results)
- NIS Competent Authority (9results)
- Non-teaching staff (37results)
- Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions (AHPs) (112results)
- Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (5results)
- Other surveys (14results)
- Pharmacy (90results)
- Planning (275results)
- Planning research (19results)
- Plant and Tree Health (95results)
- Policing and community safety (327results)
- Pollution (253results)
- Ports (15results)
- Prisons (363results)
- Procurement (130results)
- Professional medical and environmental health advice (69results)
- Programme for Government, Budget and Economic Strategy (11results)
- Promoting Northern Ireland (23results)
- Property rating (15results)
- Property valuation (13results)
- Protect the Environment (346results)
- Public health policy and advice (61results)
- Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) (12results)
- Public transport (114results)
- Pupils and parents (51results)
- Rathlin Island Policy (9results)
- Regeneration (138results)
- Regional analysis and trends (5results)
- Research-0 (2results)
- Resource & Waste Policy (308results)
- Rivers and flooding (159results)
- Road improvement schemes (532results)
- Roads (1285results)
- Road safety research (8results)
- Road safety statistics (34results)
- Road users (669results)
- Rural Development (145results)
- Rural Needs (17results)
- Safety and quality (108results)
- Schools and infrastructure (1482results)
- Social Care Policy (335results)
- Social Change (12results)
- Social inclusion (26results)
- Sponsorship (3results)
- Sport (72results)
- Statistics (423results)
- Statistics (1results)
- Statistics and economic research (1004results)
- Statistics and research (305results)
- Statistics and research (284results)
- Statistics and Research (234results)
- Statistics and research (196results)
- Statistics and Research (175results)
- Statistics and research (26results)
- Statistics and research policies and procedures (2results)
- Strategic Investment and Regeneration (18results)
- Support and development (390results)
- Support for children (29results)
- Sustainability (32results)
- Sustainable Transport (4results)
- Teaching staff (521results)
- Telecoms (13results)
- The work of the Executive (23results)
- Tourism (18results)
- Transformation Programme (3results)
- Transformation Programme (1results)
- Transformation progress (3results)
- Transparency and Open Government (162results)
- Transport initiatives (65results)
- Voluntary and community (64results)
- Water (919results)
- Water and sewerage services (49results)
- Waterways (4results)
- Windsor Framework Implementation (1results)
- Working in the Northern Ireland Civil Service (491results)
- Your Executive (2results)
- Youth Justice (121results)
Publication date
- 2024 (2510results)
- 2023 (2658results)
- 2022 (2297results)
- 2021 (2489results)
- 2020 (1660results)
- 2019 (1804results)
- 2018 (1345results)
- 2017 (1187results)
- 2016 (1474results)
- 2015 (2349results)
- 2014 (1150results)
- 2013 (869results)
- 2012 (769results)
- 2011 (412results)
- 2010 (294results)
- 2009 (302results)
- 2008 (201results)
- 2007 (173results)
- 2006 (154results)
- 2005 (166results)
- 2004 (78results)
- 2003 (92results)
- 2002 (69results)
- 2001 (29results)
- 2000 (44results)
- 1999 (15results)
- 1998 (12results)
- 1997 (11results)
- 1996 (11results)
- 1995 (6results)
- 1994 (11results)
- 1993 (15results)
- 1992 (6results)
- 1991 (5results)
- 1990 (6results)
- 1989 (2results)
- 1988 (5results)
- 1987 (4results)
- 1985 (2results)
- 1984 (1results)
- 1983 (4results)
- 1982 (1results)
- 1981 (4results)
- 1980 (2results)
- 1979 (2results)
- 1978 (1results)
- 1977 (1results)
- 1976 (1results)
- 1975 (1results)
24704 publications
sorted by date published